February 23, 2019
The Trip to Kenya
Kent & I are still on jet lag and up very early on Sunday
morning. This being the first day where
we are not on an airplane. It was very nice to just sit down and have a cup of coffee
and some fellowship. We have no idea what today holds. Our information is we leave at 8 for a church
service. I'm very excited about this Church service, because I met Bishop
Patroba on the last trip and didn't get to talk to him. He has quite a
testimony - his church was stolen from him & he was put in jail. The congregation,
including the children, fasted and prayed till he was released. He built
another church twice the size of the first one. He never retaliated or said
anything about the person who stole the church for many years.
Bishop Patroba & Linus~ |
We left at 8 and of course we had the 40-miles of bad roads.
They don't need sleeping police men (speed bumps) - this road has
enough hazards of it's own. When you travel in Kenya, you learn what it's like
to be a bobble head! You just go with the flow. After over an hour of travel, Dennis said; “They will be coming to get you.” I didn't know what this meant, until I got
out of the car. Still several hundred feet away from the church, I saw a parade of
Bishop Patroba and His Church coming to greet us when we arrived |
They were singing, dancing, whooping, hollering and bringing
gifts. They had lays to put around our necks & surrounded us. The group lead the way, bringing us to the church in celebration.
Parade from Patroba's church to greet us.
The sign below gave the name of the church - Saboti Abundant. I'm sure it
has a Swahili meaning. The church attendees
started their praise and worship, while we went to the office and took pictures.
The name of Bishop Patroba's Church~ |
Bishop Patroba, Dennis (Our guide, friend and interpreter),
myself, District Director Obed and Kent Coates, my friend, and traveling
After the service, we went back to the office to have another
meal with the leaders of the church. Patroba, Dennis and Obed knew many of
the leaders. They were in their best fellowship with the leaders of the
church. At day's end, Kent & I had a long nap on the way back to Kitali, rough roads & all.
Once home, we again caught up on our sleep. Kent slept most of the
afternoon, while I called Kay and tried to tell her about the Service. She was
under 6 more inches of snow and blizzard conditions. I'm having the time of my life, so I
understand if she doesn't seem enthused.
Mike called and asked how things were going? I told him about
the celebration service and he already knew it would be like that he has been
there many times and he and Patroba are very good friends. Mike seemed so refreshed, I miss him and Pat
being on the trip but I'm glad they didn't have to spend hours on bad roads.
I hope our time here is a time of refreshing for Mike and Pat - without the worry of babysitting Kent & I.